Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Birthday Ruthie

June 19th was Ruthie's birthday  and  also the official completion date for the house.  Construction was complete several weeks ago, but Roger has now finished the retaining walls and Mary Ann has done the landscaping.  We celebrated the events of the day by driving up from Charlotte - with out daughter-in-law, Gi, and our two granddaughters, Elizabeth and Lauren.

I think we can all agree that everything was perfect.

Gi, Elizabeth, Lauren and Ruthie

Sunday, June 10, 2012

First Sleep-Over, June 8

Family Room
Breakfast on Sunday, June 10

 Ruthie and I moved a U-Haul truck of basic furniture to the house on Friday, June 8, and we slept there both Friday and Saturday nights.  We actually had breakfast on the deck Sunday morning.  The house construction is complete, we are now only working thru 'Punch Lists'.   The site grading, retaining walls and steps are complete, and the "to-do" list is down to landscaping and more furniture.  The basic landscaping should be complete in 1 - 2 weeks.  Furniture is a Work-in-Progress since both Ruthie and I are only want what works for the house.  We go to antique shops almost every week.  But we are in no hurry, we have a bed and the showers and toilets work, the frig makes ice and the stove gets hot.  It's a vacation house, life is good!

Monday, May 14, 2012

Final - Final Approval

We received the final approval from the Rutherford County Inspection Department on Friday, May 11.  This means we have a Certificate of Occupancy and Duke  Energy will 'Set the Meter' by Wednesday, May 16.  After that we will have full, permanent power (and water).  

This final approval was 1 year and 33 days after Roger started the drive, and 10 months and 24 days after Jonathan started to dig the foundation footers. 

Ruthie and I will have the closing on Wednesday, May 16, at 3.30.  We haven't decided when we will actually spend our first night, but we have already accumulated some great furniture at antique shows and sales.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Approval Received from the Town of Lake Lure

Today we received final approval from the Town of Lake Lure - this included both the zoning and environment assessments.  We still need the county final inspections - which are more classical, like sinks, toilets, electrical, etc - and that is scheduled for Firday.  But the county will not even come to the site until the Town has approved.  Both Roger and Jonathan had a full-court-press the last few weeks to make sure the house, and the property (grading, seeding, straw, etc) were ready for today.

And, an unexpected bonus, Duke Energy was on site today to bury the permanent electrical power cables - and we didn't cut the water line, the gas line, or Roger's drain pipe.  

Thursday, April 19, 2012

One Stone at a Time, Some Are Just Larger Than Others


For a reference point I am including a picture of one of the landscape retaining walls that Roger is building.  Roger also selected the natural river stone for the front porch and the entrance wall trim from the same source.  The stonemason's have now finished the porch, the entrance wall and most of the fireplace.  Rafael and Rodrigo placed each of these stones one at a time also, and as carefully as Roger - but they only needed their hands.

Happy Birthday Avery

Last Year's Picture
Today is Avery's first birthday, so cut Jonathan some slack if he is not on the house site all day.

Sunday, April 8, 2012

One Year Ago - and Two Weeks to Go

Roger started working on the drive one year ago, today - and we plan to have our C.O. in 2 weeks.

Ruthie and I spent Easter weekend in Lake Lure and attended sunrise services at the top of Chimney Rock.  On Saturday we had time to meet with the 'landscape lady' and then to also make some final selection decisions.   The finishing trim is underway - the stonework on the front wall and proch looks great, (Roger selected each pallet individually and delivered them to the site), some of the electrical fixtures are installed, the cabinets have been delivered, and the stairs from the deck to the retaining wall are started. 

Roger - April 8, 2011
The stone on the porch is not finished


The next time Ruthie comes up we may actually sleep in the house.

Friday, March 23, 2012

Spring Brings Color

We have had an early, warm and dry Spring so exterior painting of the siding is complete.   What a difference this makes.  Roger has finished the rear retaining wall (Jonathan has to add the stairs from the deck to the wall).  Roger is hauling additional stone next week for another retaining wall in the front, and for the accent stone work on the front porch walls. On the inside, the hardwood floors are down (but covered), the interior walls, doors and trim are installed and painted.  The tile floors will be installed next, then the cabinets will be delivered.   On the outside, the septic tank and the LP gas tank are both buried and the well is complete.   And the "landscape lady" will meet with Ruthie and I on Easter Saturday morning.


We intend to have the C.O. by April 20, and then to close by the end of the month.  Ruthie and I are getting excited.

Friday, February 24, 2012

Great Progress - Both Inside and Out

Jonathan and Phil have started the inside trim.  (The spacer board in this picture is to keep the trim off the sub-floor so that the hardwoods can be installed later).   All of the interior walls are complete, and the paneling has been installed in the family room ceiling. 

Outside, Roger and Dave have almost completed the retaining wall - including the steps that will connect to the deck stairs.  Each stone is individually selected for shape and fit (and sometimes set aside for later).  Roger has also almost finished the final grade for the front of the house.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

The Retaining Wall - 1 stone at a time

My camera is not working well (notice the pink tint), but Roger and Dave are working perfectly.  The retaining wall on the North side of the house is looking great.  It is a very precise process - a perfect balance of men and machines.  Most of the stones are too heavy to move by hand, but each is eventually positioned manually, using the long bars for leverage.  No concrete is used.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

We Have Water, sorta

At least we have a well.  305 ft deep, 10+ gal/min.  The pump will be lowered Saturday - but the actual connections to the house will probably not be made until the final inspections are scheduled. 

The house has passed the rough-in plumbing, electrical, gas and the insulation inspections.  Drywall installation started today.

Roger has started the final site grading, and he has selected the stone for the retaining walls.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Awesome Deck, Breathtaking Views

The exterior is now complete, including the rear deck, which has become a feature of the house -- and it wasn't even included in the original design.  (Steve recommended the redesign of the deck in a site visit last Summer).   

The weather has been dry and Roger was able to clear access for the well drilling equipment.  The rough-in for the plumbing and HVAC is complete, and the electrician will start next week.